Monday, February 11, 2013

And nobody is over there.....

I have been a bad blogger lately and not updated in quite awhile. Well, it's because nothing has been happening. The contractor returned and we thought we would get some momentum but I guess there was a run on tile. The house was basically void of any people for more than a few days. I did see the painter truck once or twice. He painted a couple of things. We got some of the baseboards installed and painted in the carpet areas and a few staples pulled out of part of the kitchen floor. So discouraging :(

But, the good news was the tile was started (finally) over the weekend. Hopefully we won't have to wait till next weekend for it to get continued. The painter truck was over there this morning and a mystery van.

The bad part is that we have to start moving in there next weekend and it is in no way ready for occupancy. There is no bathrooms, no flooring, no kitchen, and the kitchen backsplash has yet to even be demo'd. I'm a little worried, but we have to move in there before March 1st. That's when we absolutely have to be out of our rental.

New door to storage and casing



Bathroom tile

Shower tile

Bathroom tile

This house is such a mess......

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Shopping Day

Too bad you guys don't get to see what we picked out......

I'll leave you with this instead:

I don't think I'll ever tire of our view :)

A Room with a Door

Our doors came today and are being installed. I am glad we went with these doors. There are so many straight lines in the home, I rather like the small curve in the doors. I can't wait to see them painted and the hardware installed.

First door I saw :)


Weird light, but a tease of our door hardware

We got Mud

Passed the screw inspection and the walls have been mudded. The house is awash with white dust. It is absolutely filthy with a layer of plaster dust on just about everything. If I take the boys there, they come out covered from head to toe.  They look like the rolled in the mud. I hope they plan to clean before putting the carpet in.

Shower Walls, ready for tile


Screw Test

So work has pretty much come to a slamming halt. The contractor went on vacation and the drywall guy came and put up walls! Yay for walls but now we have to wait for the county inspectors to come and inspect the walls and count the screws. Guess they wanna make sure the walls don't fall down.

Main Bath

Former Closets

Door from Master to Bathroom

Lower Bath

New Storage Room


Friday, January 25, 2013

Home in a Frame

One of the things we knew we would have to do when we bought our house was to put a fence up. We felt the need to discourage the critters coming in and keeping our critters within, as well as the dog :)

We thought we would have to wait until Spring to do it. I actually got three quotes from local companies and they were each 1000 dollars apart for the same thing. The first guy was a nice guy but was the most expensive (2k more than the cheapest). He wanted 1/2 the money down and then he would wait till Spring when the ground softens up (ummm,no.)  The next guy was quiet and not much of a talker. Seemed like a nice enough guy and he gave us the lowest quote and said he could do it in a week or two, the ground wasn't a problem. The last guy was super friendly and I liked him a lot. His quote was more though, and in the end, we chose the cheapest one because we want to build a garage in the future and they had an A rating through the BBB. Good enough for me.

The auger has arrived, had to take the boys over to see this :)

Look at all those beautiful post holes...too bad I had to make them move all of them to the other side of that little tree. That's me, making friends wherever I go. No, the owner was very cool about it and I felt very bad

OK, we are on the right side of the tree now

There's poles going in

It's taking shape

I see rails

This side is already done

It looks so pretty, like a picture frame for our house.  I took this later that same afternoon from up next to the house we are renting, yes we live that close


It's all done, at least the fence part

I feel like I should turn my horse out (if I had one)

It's a good day

They are supposed to come back next week and put up square wire on the inside and do the gates. They still haven't asked me for any money. Some faith has been restored in community businesses.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pretty Surprises

It is amazing what you find in old houses. The lights, the paneling, the floor under the floor under the floor....

This is just awesome, that stripe is seriously sparkly!

This floor was almost a keeper :)

Another interesting floor choice

It's all over the place, love the curly railing too and the pretty lantern

This is really a green color, this was under a subfloor

Still trying to capture the green, there was another under this that was completely avocado colored

This pic you can see the green of the vinyl and also where the wall we tore down butted up against the fireplace. Since we didn't want any sort of wall here, we came up with another plan for this exposed concrete. Check back :)

The whole house has terrible lighting. These lights are very period and next to impossible to replace, especially in areas that are not drywall. They don't give much light either. We will replace them upstairs and leave them downstairs. We do plan to replace the glass with reeded clear glass for some better light

First Coats of Paint

The painters are busy painting everything, I mean everything. Other than the cabinets, this is turning out to be a good thing. The house is starting to look really different. They have pulled up the dingy carpeting and there is no brown paneling left. Yay!

Living Room

Boys Room


Other side of master, this paint is a chameleon

Pop of color! Laundry room. The pipe is kinda ugly but the dryer used to vent into a bucket. This disappears in the ceiling and out the side of the house. I much prefer this. It will be painted to match.

This is really pretty sage but it's not showing up in this pic



Entry looking into Living Room