Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pretty Surprises

It is amazing what you find in old houses. The lights, the paneling, the floor under the floor under the floor....

This is just awesome, that stripe is seriously sparkly!

This floor was almost a keeper :)

Another interesting floor choice

It's all over the place, love the curly railing too and the pretty lantern

This is really a green color, this was under a subfloor

Still trying to capture the green, there was another under this that was completely avocado colored

This pic you can see the green of the vinyl and also where the wall we tore down butted up against the fireplace. Since we didn't want any sort of wall here, we came up with another plan for this exposed concrete. Check back :)

The whole house has terrible lighting. These lights are very period and next to impossible to replace, especially in areas that are not drywall. They don't give much light either. We will replace them upstairs and leave them downstairs. We do plan to replace the glass with reeded clear glass for some better light

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